
Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal Lyrics

Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson

 Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson

As he came into the window

Was the sound of a crescendo, uh

He came into her apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh

She ran underneath the table

He could see she was unable

So she ran into the bedroom

She was struck down, it was her doom, uh

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

Would you tell us that you're okay?

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you, a crescendo, Annie

He came into your apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh

Then you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down, it was your doom, uh

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

You've been hit by

You've been struck by a smooth criminal

So they came into the outway

It was Sunday, what a black day, uh

Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Sounding heartbeats, intimidations

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

You've been hit by

You've been struck by a smooth criminal

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

Annie, are you okay?

So, Annie, are you okay?

Are you okay, Annie?

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